6A's shared items

Friday, August 28, 2009

Images from Austin

Yesterday I decided to pound the pavement to see if there were any places hiring, so I decided to walk from UT campus to downtown Austin (namely to see the capitol). I finally remembered to bring my camera along with the church video camera (cuz I was supposed to interview people for advice they would give the freshmen). Below is a photo diary of some places I checked out.
One of the values at the Officers' Memorial

Texas Peace Officer's Memorial. A very simple memorial but very aesthetically pleasing.

Texas's Capitol Building

Overlooking the South Mall aka "The 6-Pack". This is the equivalent to UM's Palmer Field.

Texas campus is gorgeous. The more I walk around, the more I enjoy it.

Ha! Our church and UT are meant to be.

Rest of pictures found @ my Picasa Album


There’s something awe-inspiring about lightning. The sheer brilliance of that split second of bright light followed by the ear-cracking boom is something that will never cease to amaze me. The past two days, we have been experiencing some of the most insane lightning strikes I’ve ever seen in my life. I was walking home from the gym with Matt last night (Wed) and the sky lit up so brightly it was like someone took a picture with a giant camera. Almost instantly, the crack of thunder hit, causing everyone on the street to shout out in alarm. I’m not even kidding, a car’s alarm started going off because the boom was so intense.

This afternoon and all throughout the night (Thursday), it’s been thunderstorming (apparently they’re pretty bad down in TX) and caused our internet to cut out until now (Friday). But yeah, it’s actually been an interesting experience not having internet to distract you from thinking…

Forgive me if this metaphor seems like a stretch, it’s 2 AM right now and I can’t sleep, so I decided to jot down some of my thoughts before I forget. Most of the time, we live our lives in a mostly pleasant fog of our day-to-day life. Sometime days are good, some worse, and others, mediocre. A lot of times, we’re carrying mental baggage and chains that are tying us up from living fully joy-filled lives; but hey, no one can really see them, cuz for the most part, the dark hides it well. That’s true until those “lightning flash” moments illuminate all the ugliness and pain around you. All that crap you’ve been trying to dig away and hide is revealed in all the nastiness, and you can see the hurt on people around you. It’s a really peculiar phenomena to go through.

In many ways, those brief flashes serve to keep me humble, and remind me to stop being so focused on my own life. Everyone, no matter how put together they appear- everyone has their own baggage that is tying them down. What’s funny is that I can still see the mental image of the neighborhood when the lightning struck 2 nights ago. That picture just burned itself into my brain, and I hope it stays imprinted.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Conversations with an exterminator

Our apartment is infested w/ ants. We've been trying to schedule an appointment with an exterminator, but for whatever reason, have been unable to get one to come until today. Anyways, he comes in with a straight up 100% southern drawl and decked out pretty much in this gettup.

He was wearing giant flood-pants with overall straps and a giant canister of bug spray. It was AWESOME! Anyways, I pointed out where we saw ants coming from and he takes this type of syringe thing and leaves out globs of gel. I'm curious so I ask him what that stuff was.

"Ahhhnt baiit." (ant bait)

Oh ummm cool. What's it do?

"This shi* attracts all them ants. Look here how they eat this shi* up. Let them get full an' bring that shi* back to their colony, with any luck it'll be goodbye colony. Good shi*"
hahaha... yeah, bye bye colony.

He then goes on this exterminator sermon about how you have to be careful about using oil when we're cooking because it'll attract roaches.

"Cookin' w/ oil is good stuff. Don't I know it. But that stuff is like crack for all them roaches and bugs and shi*. Once you get one to bring it back to their colony, ohhhhh boy. You're fuc**ed. I've seen some real shi*holes cuz of them roaches."

Hearing him talk about bugs and how to kill them almost made the 2 weeks of infestation worth it.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Austin vs. Ann Arbor

I think as I have been getting used to Austin, I've been subconsciously comparing this new city with Ann Arbor (the place I called home for the past 7 years). Naturally there are many things that make a city a city, so I will break up my observations into subcategories and match-ups as I notice and discover them. Feel free to ask me about any specific areas, I'll definitely try to explore as much as possible for all ya'll.

I guess I can start with the most obvious difference between UT and UM...

People (physical fitness)
There really isn’t much contest here. It’s actually really simple. The heat makes wearing clothes unbearable, so people tend to wear as little as possible. Because you can’t wear clothes to hide your insecurities, people will workout or exercise religiously to maintain their desired level of fitness.
Advantage: Austin

People (approachability)
Southern hospitality straight up owns Northern aloofness. People are just so much more chill and open in Texas. They’re not afraid to come up and ask questions and strike up conversations with complete strangers, which is awesome. In Ann Arbor, I just never got that impression in the 7 years I’ve lived there. I’ve definitely met a bunch of cool people, but it was always through mutual friends. If this was not the case for you, whatever, it's my observations.
Advantage: Austin

People (diversity)
This is one of the closer matchups. Both cities boast a diverse population from all over the world. However, I will say that guys and girls tend to all look/ dress the same in Austin. Maybe it's because it's sorority rush week, but girls will either wear a) a short summery dress or b) short shorts and t-shirt. Maybe 10% of the girls will be wearing jeans, but they are a rare breed. Guys are pretty simple. Variations of T shirts (cut offs, wife beaters, T-shirt) with athletic shorts or those stripped shorts that seem to be popular are all that guys can wear here. At night jeans are a bit more common, but still, it's the minority here. In Ann Arbor, I always loved seeing all the crazy fashion styles especially from people who just chill in the grass on State St. (in front of Jimmy Johns). Even though everyone rocks Northface and Uggs (I hate both) in the winter, at least in the short times of warmness there is a wide array of styles to enjoy.
Advantage: Ann Arbor

People (overall attractiveness)
Whenever I told people of my decision to head down to Austin, at some point in the conversation, they would always say how lucky I was for going down there: namely because they were jealous of the supposed abundance of hot people. I was skeptical, I’ve visited quite a few southern states, and while there were attractive people there, I never thought it was quite the bonanza that people made it out to be. Dang was I wrong. Austin is freakin chock full of beautiful humans. I’m purposefully using gender-neutered pronouns because the girls and guys are easy on the eyes. If you’re coming up with a joke insulting my sexuality, I’m secure in my straightness, so whatevs. The guys here are all jacked and the girls could all be models. Don’t get me wrong, I thought there were a lot of attractive people in Ann Arbor, but the sheer quantity in Austin gives them the edge.
Advantage: Austin

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Hot Hot Heat

100+ degrees + Humidity= the SUCK.

The past couple of days I’ve finally been spending time outside the apartment. Since all the UT students have been coming back onto campus, I’ve been going out to try and meet some new people. I guess being in the cool AC-ed apartment had spoiled me, because I totally forgot how ridiculously hot it got during the day. It was ridiculous because you would step outside and your face would get assaulted with the full intensity of the sun’s rays. Almost a split second after you feel your skin sizzle, the humidity comes and embraces you in a sloppy, wet hug.

More than the heat, it’s this humidity that just makes you feel miserable. At least with direct sunlight you can minimize it’s effects by going into shade, but the mugginess is everywhere. Every breath is just that slight bit more difficult, and even sweating doesn’t make you feel better because it doesn’t evaporate off; it just adds extra weight for your poor body to lug around.

Despite this adjustment, it’s been awesome getting to meet people on campus. I have to say, there are so many differences between the people on UT and UM. I’ll get into it more in depth later, but a couple takeaways from the past couple days of interacting with the students.

1. Freshmen look so ridiculously young. Good grief, I swear I met a guy who looked like he was 15. He was tall and gangly, had braces, and a face full of acne. When I was talking with him, I swear his face cracked a couple times. Freakin’ A… I’m old.

2. Undergrads (especially 1st/2nd years) don’t know anything. I just remember when I came into UM, I at least had a couple goals I hoped to accomplish for the year/ college… but literally none of the guys had an inkling of what they wanted to do- or seem to care. It just blew my mind.

3. Playing sports is a universal way to make guy friendships. There’s something beautifully simple about working with random people to kick/throw a goal or TD. Nothing more effective, and nothing easier. Except maybe video games. Side observation: there seems to be an increasing number of young guys who look athletic but are not. People with active lifestyles are becoming an endangered species. Sad.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Job Search Update

Alright. I've done the following things:

-Called various elementary schools asking for availabilities in any support positions (left messages on many machines)

- Put myself in the substitute teaching pool

- Browsing Craigslist and various other job search websites for any jobs I'm qualified for

- Just sent in a formal application for Acton Academy (hope they still are looking for someone)

- Am contemplating being an online freelance writer for a website.

*Side Note: Am really diggin Mat Kearney's music right now... Will write more about him later
"Nothing Left to Lose"

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Facial Hair

For as long as I could remember, I've always had a fascination with facial hair. I think it started when I was a kid and I would watch my dad shave; it always looked so cool to see the tiny follicles fall into the sink like dirty snowflakes. Whenever he would kiss my mom or sister, they would always complain about how the stubble hurt whenever it rubbed against them. In my head I would always think, "Dang! That's so cool! A built in defense mechanism!"
Of course, it definitely helped that all the cool comic book characters had some form of stubble. Cases in point: Gambit and Wolverine.

Note: definite 5 o' clock shadows

These were the badasses, the pimps of the Marvel Universe, and boy, did they have some sweet stubble. Back in the day (early 90's), many of the straight-laced heroes (aka lame) were clean shaven... I guess to demonstrate their acquiescence to societal norms. Heroes like Cyclops and Mr. Fantastic were such tools that sometimes I just hoped they wouldn't show up in the comics so there would be more face time for my favorites.

Note: What a tool of a pose

In recent years, comic book artists have begun adding stubble to most, if not all, of the male heroes. But, I digress.

So yeah, as a Chinese male, growing facial hair is a long, tedious, and often spotty process. Many times after shaving in the morning, my afternoon shadow looks almost exactly like it did in the morning: bare and pre-pubescent. After a couple years of shaving as often as I can, even when I don't need it, I am starting to grow thicker facial hair. Too bad I can't get the connectors yet. *sigh

But the freaking bane of my existence is that fact that I actually appear younger and much dirtier with facial hair than without. Quite possibly it's because my mustache becomes so much more pronounced than my chin hairs, but I have no clear idea of why that's the case.

A couple days ago, one of my new roomates, Yeoh, and I were discussing this very topic and we decided to see who could last the longest without shaving. It has been 3 days since then, and we are both looking quite hideous. (See below) I won't bore you with day to day updates, but will post milestone updates.

Yeoh & myself @ 3 days

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Wow I just realized what a downer the last entry was. Sorry if you felt like slitting your wrists after reading it... I tend to just write stream-of-conscious style. But anyways, I found this photo yesterday and thought it was hilarious.

via: buzzfeed

"The Doritos packaging in Asia makes the garish font and metallic bag that we're used to look subtle. This depicts an allegory of what these chips are about to do to your tastebuds."

Sunday, August 16, 2009


After almost 5 days in Austin, I have to say, the adjustment period has been a lot more difficult than I expected. It's kinda like being the "new guy" in a school where you already know people but there's an established routine and set of friendships that you need to get used to. Don't get me wrong, I'm really glad to be here, and I'm excited for what this year has to offer, but I finally understand how lonely it can feel to move to a new place.

Even though I'm surrounded by awesome people, many times I feel alone and aloof. I'll be eating out with friends, but I feel strangely invisible; like I don't quite belong in Austin yet, but I can't go back to AA either. It's almost like I'm a ghost able to observe and hear everything that's happening, but I don't have any real presence in the area... like being caught in a state of transitional limbo. At times I'll be able to forget my sadness when I'm doing things, but when there's downtime to think, I get flooded with all the emotions that I've been repressing. Intellectually, I can reason through and tell myself how stupid I am for holding onto the past, but we are creatures of emotion, and it's been a tough week.

On the job searching front, I am really frustrated and overwhelmed. It seems like there is nothing I'm qualified for and I feel like I just don't know where to look. But that's how it goes, I just need to keep my head down and plow ahead through this time. But please keep me in your prayers, it would be much appreciated.

On the upside, I'm excited for OCR this week. I'll be able to go meet the students of UT as they come back for the new semester! I'll also be meeting up with Pastor Ben this Wed to discuss how this upcoming year's gonna look, so I'm looking forward to that as well. Even this past Sunday's video sermon (and I typically hate video sermons) was a great reminder to stay faithful in my prayers.

Well, as many of you know, I freakin love reading Psalms, and I feel like I can finally relate to this verse.
You are forgiving and good, O Lord,
abounding in love to all who call to you.
Hear my prayer, O LORD;
listen to my cry for mercy.
In the day of my trouble I will
call to you,
for you will answer me.

Psalms 86:5

listening to: David Crowder- Only You

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

New Chapter

Retroactive picture diary of my exodus out of AA

Woke up early, feeling groggy b/c of late night packing. Shipped my boxes @ Fed Ex. Said goodbye to my dad. Drove to the airport with my mom, chilled in the World Club for a bit. Ate a quick lunch w/ my mom in front of the water.

After an emotional goodbye from my mom (made me feel like crap to leave), I boarded. Talked w/ a guy who graduated from UM but lives in Austin w/ his family. Exchanged info. I was feeling a strange mixture of emotions, but this view from the window made me feel better.

Got picked up by Jorgy. The drive into campus was so surreal. Probably enhanced by the Trance music blasting in his car. No more talking about moving. It's here, and it's happening. Game Time.

Monday, August 10, 2009


After considering all the options, the most cost-effective choice to move down was to fly, and try bringing only the bare essentials down with me. in 1 suitcase, I've shoved as much clothes as I could without ruining any of them (although some will inevitably get smushed and disfigured). The 2nd suitcase is all my basic essential living gear (blanket, pillow, bedsheet, etc). I have also decided to shop my necessary portfolios and books as well as my precious DVD collection and various things that aren't needed at this exact moment.

Altogether, cost of plane ticket + 2 boxes shipped by Fed-Ex= $80. I win.

Friday, August 7, 2009


Yesterday was an incredible. Even clearing up a misunderstanding in the afternoon (which was entirely my fault) ended up being a mini- blessing.

At night at the campfire, it was pretty surreal for me to see so many familiar faces that I might not see for a long time. It was honestly really overwhelming and it took a good half hour to drink it all in. But it was just another reminder of how much God has blessed me with good friends and community. There were people I've known for almost half of my life, people I met for only a couple weeks, fellow classmates and people from all across the age spectrum. Even as I write this, I can't but help but hope that you all have been blessed by me as I have by ya'll. If not, haha sucks, hopefully I can make up for it in the next 2 days.

But yeah, many of you were hoping for tears that night... too bad, I already got a bit drained earlier that morning, and it helped that I couldn't see your faces. So, I win. =) Anyways, I will leave you with snapshots of the night. The rest I'll post later.

Girls don't seem to know how to bite their lip

story of my life. Being creepy in the background. =)

stuey likes attention from men.

aww. Great older sisters!

yay God for reconciliation talks and 1st real conversations. hahaha!

Amazing. Simply Amazing.

Woke me up @ 2:30am to go on a Denny's run. Memories.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Stages of Leaving

Over the past 2 years I've witnessed friends leaving, and have noticed general trends in how they cope with the idea of moving out of AA and onto their next stage of life. Many of those observations have definitely been solidified as I, myself, am going through the same situation. I've decided to compile a brief overview of the various stages.

*Note: I am by no means saying this is 100% accurate, in fact, it may not be true at all, but this is my blog and I do what I want.

Stages of Leaving

1. The Decision (ETA until departure: variable)
- This stage is the most optimistic of all the stages. Fresh convictions and hope for your future pretty much overwhelm any possible pitfalls and dangers to your decision. You're just so happy that when you tell people, they get really hyped for you too. All in all, a great 3-4 day. Comparable to a honeymoon.

2. Meet Me! (ETA until departure: 2-3 weeks before D-Day)
- Depending on the person's friendships, this stage can manifest in many different forms: extreme excitement, emo reminiscing, depression. Personally, I showed symptoms of extreme fun and excitement as I hung out with people. It was really cool to be able to do different things with each person that really characterized my relationship with them. Side note: time constraints were also an issue for many hang outs, sorry. By scheduling and spending time with people, it is the person's way of milking as many memories out of the proverbial udder as possible because, realistically, he/she knows at the end of the day, many of those friendships will end up fading away. Another interesting observation is that the closest friends of the person leaving will typically NOT try to schedule hangouts (for whatever reason). This is a phenomena that I have yet to understand.

3. EMOOOOOO (ETA until departure: 3-4 days before D-Day)
- Most people who leave will try to make little gestures of appreciation to their close friends. A little note, homemade gift, arts and crafts, whatever it is, as a person starts working on it, memories will begin flooding in and inevitably trigger the EMO phase. Depending on their Emotional Quotient (EQ), this phase can be quite debilitating or just a mild nuisance. Additional signs of emo phase? Listening to depressing music, crying, dressing in all black and experimenting with black nail polish.

4. Acceptance (ETA until departure: D-Day)
- One of the hardest phases to arrive at. Most people end up hung up on stage 3 indefinitely. However, when people do arrive at this stage, they see the future move in a more tempered light; it's no longer the wild optimism or a debilitating fear, but a quiet and firm sense of determination. I don't think I've reached this phase yet, but working on it.

I'm sure there's more phases after this, but I haven't thought to look into it yet. Maybe in the future.

Open for business

After debating for a week, I decided to create a public blog and phase out my private one. I'll obviously share more generally on this one for obvious reasons, but I figured for update's sake, I don't want to flood people's inboxes with emails. If people want to know what I'm up to, I'll give them the power.

So yah. Hopefully this doesn't become like xanga, where it dies off after 2 years.