6A's shared items

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Why we eat turkeys

Cuz of videos like these:

Turkey Attack Videos

Turkeys are jerks and deserve to be eaten.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Friend Zone

*From The Doghouse Diaries

It's been awhile!  This was a comic that came up in my google reader within the past day or two and I thought it was hilarious because it was so true.  I showed the comic to Touf and we both had a good laugh at how it captured the inanity of trying to get a girl to like you by living in the "friend zone".  Even if you know how stupid it is in your brain, you still end up stuck there because you're:
1) too scared to do anything
2) comfortable and want to enjoy the closeness without the responsibility

Either way, someone's gonna end up getting messed up.  Lesson learned too many times.