6A's shared items

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Heading out to CA!

Goin to Anaheim, CA for Rose and Daniel's wedding! First wedding for 2010... Excited!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Flatulence is Funny

Fridays are called "Fun Friday" in our classroom. For my first period class, they wanted to go outside so we brought a basketball and decided to play a game of 21. I was just messing around, keeping it close, then let one of the kids win. That was a mistake because he started gloating and talking trash like crazy. I got a bit annoyed and when he asked to play again I said "sure", inwardly vowing to crush his spirits.

The game starts off and it's back and forth cuz the kid is actually pretty good. 6-6, then I start tipping him, which drops him back to 0 each time. I know I am jacked up, but as he got more frustrated, I got more amused because he kept talking more trash. By the time the score was 19-4, he was literally hustling after every play and kept mumbling, "Oh hail no..."

He pulled up for a mid range jumper and as it clanged off the rim, he sprinted past me and skyed up in the air. With a primal growl, he grabbed the ball and immediately protected it with both arms as he landed. As he landed though, I think he was straining so hard that this loud booooop escaped into the air. I immediately pulled up half in surprise and amusement. Part of me had to make sure it didn't come from me, but when I realized the student had farted, I almost couldn't stifle my laughter.

I played it off like I didn't hear what happened, though, and promptly ended his misery with my next shot. Student's lesson for the day: Don't mess with Mr. Lee.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

What Once was Great...

As a kid, I would always look forward to our class field trips. Didn't matter where we went: a science museum, a historic farm land, even the local park was great. Field trips meant that we didn't have to stay cooped up in classes all day and we got to hang out with our friends in a fresh new environment.

Now that I'm a teacher, I can totally understand why they always end up looking like crap after our trips. Field trips sap the energy right out of you! Today I had to help take the entire 7th grade class to the local park for 5 hours (since the 8th graders were taking standardized tests). Imagine being one of 10 chaperones in charge of 200+ kids making sure they don't hurt themselves, get lost, break anything, or any of hundreds of possible worst-case scenarios.

Unfortunately, I was shafted into taking the 7th grade field trip instead of the 6th graders cuz my coworker didn't want to deal with some of our kids who were in 7th grade so I said it'd be OK if we switched(I know, nice guy syndrome). So instead of getting to chill w/ teachers and students I was tight with, I was w/ teachers I had no real interaction with and 3 of the more troublesome kids.

In my head I kept telling myself that I should just use this as an opportunity to meet some of the rest of the staff and kids, but in the end I wussed out. I was cold and wet (it was misting and windy) and my allergies were making me miserable so I just wandered around by myself watching the kids.

It was pretty sad how easily I end up psyching myself out of new opportunities to meet people. Something I need to really look into...

Monday, April 5, 2010

Drugged Up

Wow, I seriously have not been in a blogging mood for the past week and a half. I had read some really interesting articles on the use of gesturing as a form of learning as well as various inspirational pieces that I originally planned on writing about, but when it came time to type, I just didn't feel the desire.

It could be that we had a massive influx of visitors come to Austin the past month that took up a lot of time and energy or even the severe allergies that finally hit me (Austin is known to be allergy central). Either way, I've actually been thinking a lot about things but just don't want to share them at this point.

With that massive sidebar aside, today was actually a really interesting day. Not interesting in the fact that I got to do awesome stuff (in fact it was quite slow), but interesting as in I will never ever do what I did again for the rest of my life.
As I mentioned earlier, allergies have been owning me, and last night I pretty much woke up every hour and a half because my nose became blocked up or my throat was worn bloody from breathing through my mouth. Going into work, my nose went into overdrive to make up for the lack of snot production by dripping non-stop for the first period.

One of my co-workers noticed me constantly blowing my nose and asked if I got sick over Easter. I informed her of my severe allergies to all living plant-life and she instantly sympathized. When she asked if I took any benadryll, I told her that that stuff usually never works. She immediately pushed me to try the pills that she uses, and mentions that taking four of them always does the trick for her.

Now, I've taken all kinds of over the counter allergy medication before, and I knew that the typical dose was 1-2 pills, and they usually had severe drowsiness as a side effect. But she was incredibly adamant about it, citing her friend as a source, and before I could say anything, she ran out to her car to get some for me. I guess I was just really blessed that she cared that much, or I was too tired to think clearly, but I just ended up downing all four pills w/ some swigs of water.

As you can imagine, the next 6 hours were a hazy blur. It was a good thing there wasn't much going on that day (most of the kids were under control) cuz I had no mental facility going on at all. I was also pretty sure I was slurring my speech. I remember trying desperately to stay awake by reading articles on Google Reader, and scouring google news for interesting things to keep my focus, but my body felt like it was tingling. Every now and then I would rest my head on my arm for a couple seconds and then I would jerk awake to find that 5 minutes had passed.

It wasn't until the beginning of 7th period (around 3pm) that the drowsiness finally started to wear off and I could walk with some semblance of control.

Next time anyone claims to know better than the instructions on the box, ignore them and follow the directions.

Friday, April 2, 2010


Vote for Abbie here!

If she wins she gets to sing w/ Ingrid Michaelson, who is really good. Feel free to spread the news to your friends!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Another Reason to Love TX

4 day weekend!!!!

don't be jealous