6A's shared items

Sunday, November 21, 2010

List of Things I've Learned this Semester

- No first year teacher will ever be good enough to escape that "Holy Crap, I'm drowning" feeling. I am no exception.

- I am not the perfectly patient, loving person that I thought I was. My homeroom class revealed that to me after 2 weeks.

- Downloading the Bible Ap that reads passages out loud has helped me stay awake on the long commute back from work.

- I offer a heart-felt and sincere apology to the people I accused of being bad friends when they didn't make the effort to keep up with our friendships. I now understand. Sorry.

- My body can no longer run as the high-efficiency machine that it has been in the past. I need to maintain and take care of it.

- Case in point: eating McDonalds 4 nights out of the week will result in labored breathing when walking up 1 flight of stairs.

- I need to be better organized in order to keep track of all the things going on in life.

- My coworkers inspire me in the way they keep track of each kid's strengths and weaknesses based on assessment data (they are Excel spreadsheet prodigies) and use that to formulate lessons.

- After only half a year of teaching, I already see so many holes in our education system. The over-dependence on standardized testing in schools, pushing students on to the next level when they aren't ready, and debatable educational practices are just a few of the hot-button topics that I'm begun noticing.

- I like vests, but have been too chicken to wear them anywhere other than at work.

- God uses tough times to bring me back to depend on Him. Yet I still end up forgetting.

- Being a Detroit Lions fan is bad for my emotional well-being.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

In the midst of a bad streak...

Wow, my posts have been pretty downer recently. I finally have a little bit of non-stress time right now (I'm taking a break from lesson planning for the NEXT week... crazy right?) and I'm feeling really at peace. I'm studying w/ one of the guys in the TX Union (which really sucks as a study place b/c of the lack of quiet nooks/rooms) and I just felt like writing.
Last Sunday we had a Halloween Party at our apartment. First of all, having it after service was CRAYZEE because we had to rush back asap and start cooking and decorating. That left absolutely no time to put together my costume (which admittedly was my 3rd option) because my first two were unavailable.

Now, I normally pride myself on my creativity, and I'd like to think I left AA on a pretty high note for best costume/ presentations at all the Focus (single adult) Halloween parties.

Exhibit A: Chinese Migrant Worker

Exhibit B: The Immortal Jabbawokkiez

Exhibit C: Jacob (from Twilight)

Unfortunately since I've been to Austin, my costume ideas have never panned out. Last year I wanted to be Tuxedo Mask (but was too cheap to buy it) so I tried making a mask out of paper mache. Total fail. Since I had a costume party that night, I ended up being a Lance Armstrong biker complete w/ the most uncomfortable biker shorts ever. Apparently biking shorts have built in butt pads since professional racing bikes don't have padding. Who knew?

This year, my first couple ideas didn't work out (although next year I'm just going to buy my primary costume idea). At the last second, I decided to be a "head on a platter" but only had an hour to get stuff, so I rushed to Walmart and got a turkey tray and assorted candy. Of course, I totally didn't think about the possibility of getting my throat slit by the metal tray that I would have to cut, so I didn't get to find any protection for my neck until I started making the costume. I ended up wrapping my neck in a thick scarf which helped, but caused me to be incredibly hot and sweaty. After only 45 minutes I ended up just taking it off because I didn't want to be an unblessing. *sigh*

There's always next year to break the cycle.