6A's shared items

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

... and recaka

picture from http://www.naioth.com/
*deep breath out*
Today I got to check out a free Yoga class held at my apartment complex. Not surprisingly it was only girls (although only 2 others and the teacher) so I felt a bit uncomfortable at first. I remember my first experience with Yoga @ the Art Fair the summer before I left for AA. It was really cool doing all these stretches and poses so that made me want to try it again. What we did today was a bit different from what most people envision, this was kinda more like stretch/workout. A couple of the moves I did last year in insanity, except slower and more drawn out. My arms were shaking quite a bit for some of them but it was good to sweat again.
The focus of this style of Yoga was basing everything on merging the breathing (in and out) with each move. It's only been the past week where I feel like I've been able to really catch up and


I'm not gonna lie, things were CRAZY busy and stressful. I don't want to throw a pity party, but I've never been stretched so much as I had been before. It's only been recently that things have finally slowed down to a point where I feel like I can finally catch my breath.

As some of you might have heard, yup, budget shortages all over TX meant that I, as well as most of the new hires, were let go. They asked me to reapply for job openings (when more money came in) but I couldn't do another year of commuting 40+ minutes to and from work every day. As for now, my plans are to apply for jobs closer to ATX so I can really focus on college ministry on UT campus.

I feel like there's so many things I've come to realize the past couple months, but I don't want this entry to be all over the place so I'll keep it a bit more vague. One thing though, is that God does not give up on us, no matter how we think he might have. There is always a reason behind each event. That's something that we can all hold onto.